
Hands On Learning: iPhone Repairs

About a year ago I upgraded my phone. I saved my old phone, with its cracked screen. I put it with my wife’s old phone, which was also out of service with a bulging battery and a broken screen. It took awhile to get to it, but this week, I finally pulled the phones back out and let Jack (7) and Chi (5) have a hands on lesson in technology by repairing the phones.   I ordered screen replacements from SANKA and batteries from ScandiTech. With guidance from three different videos (replacing a screen, replacing a battery, repairing a home button), we tackled the project. We started before dinner and didn’t finish until more than an hour after bedtime. In total it probably took us close to two hours, far from the three minutes in the tutorial videos. For us the biggest setbacks were losing the incredibly tiny screws inside the phone, which happened not once, not twice, not even three times, but FOUR times. Four times we managed to drop them off the table. Remarkably we found them all again.